Our next meeting is Weds, 1/20/10. We'll be discussing Cloth Diapering options with Guest Speaker Michelle Rivenburg of Snooty Booty Diapers. (All Dar a Luz Members are eligible for 10% off any Snooty Booty pick-up purchase!) www.snootybootydiapers.com
*Is there a "best" time to introduce cloth diapers?
*What do you need to get started?
*How do you clean them?
We'll be discussing this and much more and our meeting. Guest Speaker will be presenting from 7-7:30pm, and taking questions after that...So, please do your best to be there by 7!
As always, our meetings are FREE and open to all women, babies and children.
6:30-8:30 pm
Belmar Public Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719 (Community Room entrance on back of building)
Dar a Luz Network is a non-profit organization supporting, empowering and eduating women at all stages of motherhood.
December Meeting, 12/16/09
Our next meeting will be Weds, 12/16/09. We'll be discussing WORK/SEPARATION FROM BABY. It can be tough to be away from our babies, but sometimes life (or our sanity) require it. So, how do we ease this transition for ourselves and our babies? What can breastfeeding mamas do to maintain their milk supply? If you've been through it, come share your experiences with our group!
We'll also be having a FREE-CYCLE. Bring your unwanted maternity, baby, or totally unrelated items to the meeting and pass them on so they can be re-used. This is the perfect time of year to de-clutter! Whatever isn't taken at the meeting will be donated to charity.
As always, our meetings are free and open to all women, babies and children!
Belmar Library Community Room
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719 (community room entrance is on back of building)
6:30-8:30pm (We're a casual group and cater to pregnant and new mamas, so come when you can and don't stress it if you're "late!")
We'll also be having a FREE-CYCLE. Bring your unwanted maternity, baby, or totally unrelated items to the meeting and pass them on so they can be re-used. This is the perfect time of year to de-clutter! Whatever isn't taken at the meeting will be donated to charity.
As always, our meetings are free and open to all women, babies and children!
Belmar Library Community Room
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719 (community room entrance is on back of building)
6:30-8:30pm (We're a casual group and cater to pregnant and new mamas, so come when you can and don't stress it if you're "late!")
November Meeting: 11/18/09

For our November Meeting, we welcome special guest, Dawne Vrabel, HHP, AADP. She'll be sharing her expertise on: Nutrition, First Foods, and Natural Flu Prevention.
Dawne Vrabel, an Integrative Nutrition practitioner, Certified Herbologist, Reiki Master and Molecular Biologist educates and empower mothers and moms-to-be through her private practice and as Co-Leader of the Monmouth County Chapter of the Holistic Moms Network (www.holisticmoms.org). She is passionate about educating Moms about mindful parenting, conscious health and food choices and child-directed education. Dawne is Mom to 2 naturally birthed and unvaccinated boys, ages 2 and 5.
She is Co-Founder of Citizens for a GMO Free World (http://www.gmofreeworld.org/), a Life Health Choices Speaker and Pure Food Advocate (http://www.lifehealthchoices.com/), Nutritional Advisor for a Candida awareness and support organization (http://www.atlanticjourneytowellness.org/) and a founding board member of the Jersey Shore Sudbury School (http://www.jerseyshorefreeschool.org/).
"Make conscious and informed health decisions. Empower yourself with knowledge, ask questions, trust your intuition and your body's innate healing ability. Be very aware of the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs, risks known and unknown. Listen to your body and do what you can do to nutritionally and naturally support it through any life process and make sure to enjoy it along the way and say thanks."
Subscribe to her nutritional newsletter, soon to be published on the full moon at http://www.ourfoodchoices.com/. Dawne can be contacted at dawnevrabel@gmail.com.
She is Co-Founder of Citizens for a GMO Free World (http://www.gmofreeworld.org/), a Life Health Choices Speaker and Pure Food Advocate (http://www.lifehealthchoices.com/), Nutritional Advisor for a Candida awareness and support organization (http://www.atlanticjourneytowellness.org/) and a founding board member of the Jersey Shore Sudbury School (http://www.jerseyshorefreeschool.org/).
"Make conscious and informed health decisions. Empower yourself with knowledge, ask questions, trust your intuition and your body's innate healing ability. Be very aware of the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs, risks known and unknown. Listen to your body and do what you can do to nutritionally and naturally support it through any life process and make sure to enjoy it along the way and say thanks."
Subscribe to her nutritional newsletter, soon to be published on the full moon at http://www.ourfoodchoices.com/. Dawne can be contacted at dawnevrabel@gmail.com.
This topic is so vital, we're welcoming ALL parents and care providers to this meeting. As always, our meetings are free.
Weds. 11/18/09
6:30 (Meeting Opens)
7pm (Dawne's Presentation Begins)
Belmar Library Community Room
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Hope to see you there!
Red Tent Event 11/14/09
We're inviting all women to our Red Tent Event!
Nov. 14, 2009
*Belly Dancing (for beginners, pregnant women, etc.)
*Sharing Birth Stories
*Silent Auction
Admission is Free!
Silent Auction Includes:
The Business of Being Born DVD
*The Business of Being Born Organic Cotton Onesies (pink or blue)
Orgasmic Birth DVD
Gift Certificate to Gymboree (Howell/Ocean)
Gift Certificate for Postpartum Doula-Care
MamaCare Gift Bag, MotherLove Herbal
Earth Mama Angel Baby
*Labor Ease Kit
*Postpartum Recovery Kit
Birth Tub Rental, Ready For Birth
Snooty Booty Diapers
Mothering Magazine, 1 year subscription
Sleepy Wrap Baby Wrap
ONA Nursing Pillow
$30 Gift Card for I-Tunes, donated by Annie Raulerson
OMBaby Yoga
Charlotte West
Hands to Health LLC
Nature's Corner Market
Red Tent Sponsors:
Your Best Birth
Chakra Massage, contact Kim Metcalfe: Kim760@juno.com
We have more sponsors coming, so check back for updates! (If you'd like to suggest a business or service who would be interested in participating, contact us.)
Our Red Tent Event will be at our usual meeting place, the Community Room at the Belmar Library. (517 Tenth Ave, Belmar, NJ 07719....Entrance on back of building)
*Babies and children....Are always welcome at our monthly meetings, but for this event, mamas will enjoy themselves more if they come without mobile babies and children.
Nov. 14, 2009
*Belly Dancing (for beginners, pregnant women, etc.)
*Sharing Birth Stories
*Silent Auction
Admission is Free!
Silent Auction Includes:
The Business of Being Born DVD
*The Business of Being Born Organic Cotton Onesies (pink or blue)
Orgasmic Birth DVD
Gift Certificate to Gymboree (Howell/Ocean)
Gift Certificate for Postpartum Doula-Care
MamaCare Gift Bag, MotherLove Herbal
Earth Mama Angel Baby
*Labor Ease Kit
*Postpartum Recovery Kit
Birth Tub Rental, Ready For Birth
Snooty Booty Diapers
Mothering Magazine, 1 year subscription
Sleepy Wrap Baby Wrap
ONA Nursing Pillow
$30 Gift Card for I-Tunes, donated by Annie Raulerson
OMBaby Yoga
Charlotte West
Hands to Health LLC
Nature's Corner Market
Red Tent Sponsors:
Your Best Birth
Chakra Massage, contact Kim Metcalfe: Kim760@juno.com
We have more sponsors coming, so check back for updates! (If you'd like to suggest a business or service who would be interested in participating, contact us.)
Our Red Tent Event will be at our usual meeting place, the Community Room at the Belmar Library. (517 Tenth Ave, Belmar, NJ 07719....Entrance on back of building)
*Babies and children....Are always welcome at our monthly meetings, but for this event, mamas will enjoy themselves more if they come without mobile babies and children.
Oct. Meeting
*Keep checking your emails so you can light a candle when one of our mamas goes into labor! (Not on our email list? Contact us: JerseyShore@daraluznetwork.com )
Henna Pics from our BlessingWay are on our Facebook page.
Our next meeting is Oct. 21, 2009. We'll be discussing Places of Birth. In NJ, this means at the hospital or at home....There are many factors to consider in determining which place is best for your birth.
Already given birth? Come share your experience! Other mamas would love to hear what you found helpful or less than helpful when you gave birth.
As always, our meetings are free and all women and children are welcome.
Weds, Oct. 21, 2009
Belmar Public Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
(Community Room Entrance is on rear side of building)
**BOLD RED TENT ON NOV. 14, 2009 7-10pm
Henna Pics from our BlessingWay are on our Facebook page.
Our next meeting is Oct. 21, 2009. We'll be discussing Places of Birth. In NJ, this means at the hospital or at home....There are many factors to consider in determining which place is best for your birth.
Already given birth? Come share your experience! Other mamas would love to hear what you found helpful or less than helpful when you gave birth.
As always, our meetings are free and all women and children are welcome.
Weds, Oct. 21, 2009
Belmar Public Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
(Community Room Entrance is on rear side of building)
**BOLD RED TENT ON NOV. 14, 2009 7-10pm
September Blessing Way + Henna

Our next meeting is Sept. 16, 2009. We'll be exploring Blessing Ways and Henna. A Blessing Way is traditionally a Native American Ceremony that honors a woman's transition into motherhood. An alternative to a 'Baby Shower,' this rite of passage focuses on supporting the mother-to-be and allowing her a safe place to express and release any fears or concerns while receiving love and support from other women.
Henna (a plant-based temporary tatto originating from Middle East) is often used at a Blessing Ways, and we'll have plenty of Henna on hand for mamas who would like to try it or get it.
As always, our Meetings are free and all are welcome.
Weds, 9/16/09
Belmar Public Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
*Kim, our glorious Snack Coordinator, will be out of town for this meeting....So, if you'd like to bring a snack to share, please let us know. Email: JerseyShore@DaraLuzNetwork.com or call Beth @ 908.492-4987.
Hope to see you there!
August Meeting
Our next meeting is August 19, 2009. Join us as we discuss: SLEEP. What's normal for your baby's age? What can you do to help your baby sleep longer? What are the various 'sleep training' methods? Come share your experiences! As always, our meetings are FREE and (thanks to Kim Metcalfe) well catered!
Weds., 8/19/09
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Weds., 8/19/09
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
July Meeting, Vaccine Nation
Our next meeting is July 15, 2009. Samantha Brower shares her expertise in BABY SIGNING.
*Advantages of signing with your child
*Getting Started--how to begin signing with your baby/child
Samantha Brower is a NJ licensed Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. She currently teaches at the NJ school for the Deaf Katzenbach. During the school year she teaches high school and in the summer program she works with 4th graders. Samantha is also working towards her interpreting degree and has taken some interpreting classes.
Weds, 7/15/09
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave,
Belmar, NJ 07719
Our meetings are free and all are welcome.
Also, we will be hosting a very informal screening of "The Vaccine Nation" on July 1, 2009 at 7pm. (In the Community Room at Belmar Library.) If you're interested in attending, please RSVP to: JerseyShore@Daraluznetwork.com Seating is extremely limited and we want to make sure we have enough chairs!
*Advantages of signing with your child
*Getting Started--how to begin signing with your baby/child
Samantha Brower is a NJ licensed Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. She currently teaches at the NJ school for the Deaf Katzenbach. During the school year she teaches high school and in the summer program she works with 4th graders. Samantha is also working towards her interpreting degree and has taken some interpreting classes.
Weds, 7/15/09
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave,
Belmar, NJ 07719
Our meetings are free and all are welcome.
Also, we will be hosting a very informal screening of "The Vaccine Nation" on July 1, 2009 at 7pm. (In the Community Room at Belmar Library.) If you're interested in attending, please RSVP to: JerseyShore@Daraluznetwork.com Seating is extremely limited and we want to make sure we have enough chairs!
June Meeting
Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 17, 2009. We'll be discussing "Post-Dates Pregnancy." How long "SHOULD" pregnancy last? Are there risks to birthing before or after the 'traditional' time frame?
If you've already given birth, come share your experience.
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
*As always, our meetings are free and all are welcome!
If you've already given birth, come share your experience.
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
*As always, our meetings are free and all are welcome!
May Meeting, Expanding Library & More!
Our next meeting is May 20, 2009. We'll be discussing the "3 B's of Baby Bliss." (Here's a hint: They are not what you think!;)
Alice and I are also busy expanding our next Lending Library....In the meantime, we're pleased to announce that "What Babies Want" and "Born in the USA" are now available to our Dar a Luz Members as part of our library! So, if you missed our screening, you can still check out these powerful films...
We are also planning our next 6 months of meeting topics. Some of the possible ideas include:
*Sleep! (What's "normal?" What is "Sleep Training?" What works?)
*Creating a Birth Plan that works for you
*Places of Birth
*Returning to Work/Separation from Baby (Exploring options and sharing experiences.)
*Henna Experiences and Blessing Way (Finding ways to support and celebrate pregnancy and birth)
We need at least 2 more pregnancy/birth related topics to fulfill Dar a Luz International's requirements. Have an idea? Share it! Email us at: JerseyShore@DaraLuzNetwork.com
Hope to see you at our May Meeting! As always, it's FREE & All ARE WELCOME!
Weds, 5/20/09
6:30-8:30 pm
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Alice and I are also busy expanding our next Lending Library....In the meantime, we're pleased to announce that "What Babies Want" and "Born in the USA" are now available to our Dar a Luz Members as part of our library! So, if you missed our screening, you can still check out these powerful films...
We are also planning our next 6 months of meeting topics. Some of the possible ideas include:
*Sleep! (What's "normal?" What is "Sleep Training?" What works?)
*Creating a Birth Plan that works for you
*Places of Birth
*Returning to Work/Separation from Baby (Exploring options and sharing experiences.)
*Henna Experiences and Blessing Way (Finding ways to support and celebrate pregnancy and birth)
We need at least 2 more pregnancy/birth related topics to fulfill Dar a Luz International's requirements. Have an idea? Share it! Email us at: JerseyShore@DaraLuzNetwork.com
Hope to see you at our May Meeting! As always, it's FREE & All ARE WELCOME!
Weds, 5/20/09
6:30-8:30 pm
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
April Meeting, 4/15/09
At our April Meeting, we're pleased to welcome a Massage Therapist and Instructor who specializes in Prenatal Massage. Kim Metcalfe will be discussing the benefits of Prenatal Massage and Demonstrating Basic Baby Massage.
Weds., 4/15/09
Belmar Public Library
517 Tenth Ave, Belmar, NJ 07719
Weds., 4/15/09
Belmar Public Library
517 Tenth Ave, Belmar, NJ 07719
FREE Community Screening
We're hosting a FREE Community Screening of 2 powerful films:
The best film on birth in America. ——Marsden Wagner, Former Director, Maternal and Child Health, W.H.O.
(Click here to view Trailer) http://www.patchworksfilms.net/films/flash_video/born_usa_vid.html
Featuring Noah Wylie...
(Click here to view Trailer)
Friday, April 3, 2009
6:30pm (Doors Open)
6:45pm Born in the USA
8pm What Babies Want
9:15pm Refreshments
Oakhurst Park Meeting Room
Ocean Township, NJ
*Babies Welcome!
*PLEASE NOTE: Seating is limited. If you'd like to attend, please register by emailing your name and phone number to: JerseyShore@DaraLuzNetwork.com
The best film on birth in America. ——Marsden Wagner, Former Director, Maternal and Child Health, W.H.O.
(Click here to view Trailer) http://www.patchworksfilms.net/films/flash_video/born_usa_vid.html
Featuring Noah Wylie...
(Click here to view Trailer)
Friday, April 3, 2009
6:30pm (Doors Open)
6:45pm Born in the USA
8pm What Babies Want
9:15pm Refreshments
Oakhurst Park Meeting Room
Ocean Township, NJ
*Babies Welcome!
*PLEASE NOTE: Seating is limited. If you'd like to attend, please register by emailing your name and phone number to: JerseyShore@DaraLuzNetwork.com
March 18th Meeting
For our March meeting, we're thrilled to welcome 2 Labor Doulas & Childbirth Educators to demonstrate comfort measures and answer your birthing questions.
Dorothy & Jessica of Your Best Birth http://www.yourbestbirth.org/ will be addressing these questions and more!
*What can you do to ease labor?
*What are the best ways to prepare for birth?
*Do you need a Doula?
Bring your questions, bring a friend. Our meetings are FREE and Open to all!
Weds, March 18, 2009
Belmar Public Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Curious about Dar a Luz Network? Check it out on Utube!
Dorothy & Jessica of Your Best Birth http://www.yourbestbirth.org/ will be addressing these questions and more!
*What can you do to ease labor?
*What are the best ways to prepare for birth?
*Do you need a Doula?
Bring your questions, bring a friend. Our meetings are FREE and Open to all!
Weds, March 18, 2009
Belmar Public Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Curious about Dar a Luz Network? Check it out on Utube!
Febraury Meeting: 2/18/09
Your thoughts and feelings play a vital role in your birth experience. Join us in February as we create BIRTH ART. This is a powerful healing tool--whether you are pregnant or gave birth 5 years ago! We'll be discussing various forms of Birth Art, as well as making a collage. We will provide materials for your collage, but you're welcome to bring:
*PICTURES of yourself, pregnancy, baby, pictures of your mother, babyhood, etc. (We will make copies of the pics for the collage)
*any MAGAZINES, greeting cards, etc.
*any FABRIC, GIFT WRAP, scrapbooking leftovers
*embellishments: yarn, ribbon, metallics, etc.
Not in the mood to make art? Join us anyway! As always, our meetings are FREE and all mamas and babies/children are welcome.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
*PICTURES of yourself, pregnancy, baby, pictures of your mother, babyhood, etc. (We will make copies of the pics for the collage)
*any MAGAZINES, greeting cards, etc.
*any FABRIC, GIFT WRAP, scrapbooking leftovers
*embellishments: yarn, ribbon, metallics, etc.
Not in the mood to make art? Join us anyway! As always, our meetings are FREE and all mamas and babies/children are welcome.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Our Next Meeting: Jan. 21st!
Casi Leahy, RN, IBCLC is our Guest Speaker for the meeting on Jan. 21, 2009. Casi is a Nurse and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant on staff at Monmouth Medical Center, and in Private Practice. She'll be sharing her expertise and answering your breastfeeding questions. For more about Casi, check out her website: http://www.thelactationlady.com
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women and babies/children are welcome!
Wednesday, 1/21/09
Meeting starts at 6:30pm, Guest Speaker will begin at 7pm
Belmar Public Library
517 Tenth Ave, Belmar, NJ 07719
(Entrance on rear side of building to Community Room)
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women and babies/children are welcome!
Wednesday, 1/21/09
Meeting starts at 6:30pm, Guest Speaker will begin at 7pm
Belmar Public Library
517 Tenth Ave, Belmar, NJ 07719
(Entrance on rear side of building to Community Room)
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