Safe Herbs for Pregnancy + Childhood

Our next meeting is Weds, May 19th. Kim Metcalfe will be presenting our meeting topic: "Herbs for Pregnancy & Childhood."

Wonder what herbs are safe and effective during pregnancy? Do you want to treat your child holistically instead of using over the counter medicine?

Kim Metcalfe will be sharing information on herbs and easy home remedies to use. Topics covered will be nutritional vs. medicinal herbs, making herbal tea blends, making herbal medicine balls and home remedies for coughs and colds.
Kim Metcalfe is a Certified Herbalist and Massage Therapist.

We just added "Wise Woman's Herbal for the Childbearing Year" to our Lending Library.

6:30-8:30pm (Presentation begins at 7pm)
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719

Stay tuned for details regarding our Special Guest Speaker for the July 21st meeting....HINT: Pleasurable Birth....