Babywearing with Shore Babywearers 2/15/17

**February will be our last monthly meeting.  We will continue to serve local women through individual support, resources and special events.  Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey.**

Shore Babywearers is a Monmouth and Ocean County Group of parents and caregivers dedicated to spreading the joy and love of babywearing with monthly meeting and events.  We teach the safe, comfortable and fashionable practice of wearing babies and children in soft slings and carriers.  Whether you're new to babywearing or a seasoned pro, we'ld love to have you join us as we support and interact with each other while holding our children close!

--Intro to Group and info on Meet-ups
--TICKS (Babywearing Safety)
--Why We Wear
--Types of Carriers

As always, our meetings are free and all (including babies/children) are welcome!
 Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Focus Center for Vision
200 Route 71 Spring Lake, NJ

Fertility 1/18/17--CANCELED!

January 18, 2017  meeting has been canceled.

Unfortunately, we did not have enough people who could attend.  

Understanding your fertility cycle can empower you to make truly informed choices. Whether you are considering medical fertility treatment, or (on the opposite end!) seeking to prevent conception, this meeting will be informative for all! Mariana Bernstein is a Fertility Coach who will be sharing her expertise with us.  BeFertileYou

**PLEASE RSVP on Facebook if you plan to come.  We need at least 5 people.

As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome.  (We want all the women to feel comfortable talking openly about intimate issues....So, this meeting is just for them. ;)

Wednesday, January 18, 1017
FOCUS Vision Center
200 Route 71
Spring Lake, NJ

If you have any questions or need help finding us, please call or text Beth 908.492-2987