Our next meeting is Weds, 1/18/12.
NJ remains the highest C-Section rate in the nation: 39.4%! So, we owe it to all women and babies to be informed.
Monmouth International Cesarean Awareness Network Leader, Kate Schorr joins us to discuss making a necessary cesarean as family centered as possible. What can you do to help foster mother-baby bonding, breastfeeding? How can we leave mom feeling less traumatized by the birth than those who are whisked into the OR and treated according to hospital protocols? She will also discuss how to reduce your risk of having a c-section.
Kate Schorr is a mother of 2 girls
First birth cesarean 2008, second an unmedicated hospital vbac 2009
Started the Monmouth County chapter of ICAN in the summer of 2010 because ICAN provided her so much information and support and made her vbac (vaginal birth after c/s) possible - wanted to do that for the women of this area
Attended the ICAN conference in St. Louis in April 2011
This meeting is so relevant and important for partners, as well as mothers. We encourage dads and labor coaches to attend this meeting. ALL of our meetings are FREE.
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Dar a Luz Network is a non-profit organization supporting, empowering and eduating women at all stages of motherhood.
January 18th Meeting: ICAN Leader, Kate Schorr
Our next meeting is Weds, 1/18/12.
NJ remains the highest C-Section rate in the nation: 39.4%! So, we owe it to all women and babies to be informed.
Monmouth International Cesarean Awareness Network Leader, Kate Schorr joins us to discuss making a necessary cesarean as family centered as possible. What can you do to help foster mother-baby bonding, breastfeeding? How can we leave mom feeling less traumatized by the birth than those who are whisked into the OR and treated according to hospital protocols? She will also discuss how to reduce your risk of having a c-section.
Kate Schorr is a mother of 2 girls
First birth cesarean 2008, second an unmedicated hospital vbac 2009
Started the Monmouth County chapter of ICAN in the summer of 2010 because ICAN provided her so much information and support and made her vbac (vaginal birth after c/s) possible - wanted to do that for the women of this area
Attended the ICAN conference in St. Louis in April 2011
This meeting is so relevant and important for partners, as well as mothers. We encourage dads and labor coaches to attend this meeting. ALL of our meetings are FREE.
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
NJ remains the highest C-Section rate in the nation: 39.4%! So, we owe it to all women and babies to be informed.
Monmouth International Cesarean Awareness Network Leader, Kate Schorr joins us to discuss making a necessary cesarean as family centered as possible. What can you do to help foster mother-baby bonding, breastfeeding? How can we leave mom feeling less traumatized by the birth than those who are whisked into the OR and treated according to hospital protocols? She will also discuss how to reduce your risk of having a c-section.
Kate Schorr is a mother of 2 girls
First birth cesarean 2008, second an unmedicated hospital vbac 2009
Started the Monmouth County chapter of ICAN in the summer of 2010 because ICAN provided her so much information and support and made her vbac (vaginal birth after c/s) possible - wanted to do that for the women of this area
Attended the ICAN conference in St. Louis in April 2011
This meeting is so relevant and important for partners, as well as mothers. We encourage dads and labor coaches to attend this meeting. ALL of our meetings are FREE.
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Dec. 21: Free Cycle & Open Meeting
At our December Meeting, we are leaving the topic OPEN. Stop by for a snack and warm cup of tea and chat. If you have any questions or concerns, you'll find supportive listening!
We are also hosting a FREECYCLE. Bring your unwanted maternity/baby/toddler/misc./books items to the meeting. Take whatever you can use or give. Leave whatever you don't want. Any leftovers will be donated to a local charity.
We would love to see old friends and their babes/kids as well as meet new ones.
Weds, Dec. 21, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome.
We are also hosting a FREECYCLE. Bring your unwanted maternity/baby/toddler/misc./books items to the meeting. Take whatever you can use or give. Leave whatever you don't want. Any leftovers will be donated to a local charity.
We would love to see old friends and their babes/kids as well as meet new ones.
Weds, Dec. 21, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome.
November 16th Meeting: Cord Clamping & Newborn Procedures
Immediately after birth, you face a lot of decisions:
*Cord Clamping/Cutting
*Eye Ointment/Drops
*Vitamin K Shot
These are elements best researched and decided on before your birth. We will discuss the benefits and risks of each procedure, as well as how their timing can impact breastfeeding.
Considering Cord Banking? We'll explore that option, too.
If you've already given birth, come and share your experiences. There is always an opportunity to discuss whatever is on your mind.
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome.
November 16, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
*Cord Clamping/Cutting
*Eye Ointment/Drops
*Vitamin K Shot
These are elements best researched and decided on before your birth. We will discuss the benefits and risks of each procedure, as well as how their timing can impact breastfeeding.
Considering Cord Banking? We'll explore that option, too.
If you've already given birth, come and share your experiences. There is always an opportunity to discuss whatever is on your mind.
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome.
November 16, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
October 19th Meeting
October 19, 2011: Virginia Ahearn,CPM,CPD
Virginia Ahearn, CPM, CPD will be our Guest Speaker. She will be giving us a basic introduction to Herbal Medicine. Highlights will include:
*Best books, websites and companies on Herbs
*Various forms of herbs (teas, tinctures, capsules, oils), proper dosage and preparation.
*Difference between Herbal Medicine and Traditional Western Medicine.
Great information for women at any and every stage of motherhood.
Virginia is a Practitioner of Herbal Medicine, an NJ-licensed home birth midwife (CPM) and a Certified Postpartum Doula. She began studying herbal medicine 20 years ago with David Winston at his School of Botanical Medicine, and in 1998 with 7Song at the Northeast School of Botanical Medicine. She is dedicated to teaching wellness with herbs through her practice and classes.
For more information about Virginia, please see her website:
Weds. Oct. 19, 2011
7pm Herbal Medicine Presentation Begins
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
As Always, our meetings are FREE. ALL ARE WELCOME! Please share this information.
Virginia Ahearn, CPM, CPD will be our Guest Speaker. She will be giving us a basic introduction to Herbal Medicine. Highlights will include:
*Best books, websites and companies on Herbs
*Various forms of herbs (teas, tinctures, capsules, oils), proper dosage and preparation.
*Difference between Herbal Medicine and Traditional Western Medicine.
Great information for women at any and every stage of motherhood.
Virginia is a Practitioner of Herbal Medicine, an NJ-licensed home birth midwife (CPM) and a Certified Postpartum Doula. She began studying herbal medicine 20 years ago with David Winston at his School of Botanical Medicine, and in 1998 with 7Song at the Northeast School of Botanical Medicine. She is dedicated to teaching wellness with herbs through her practice and classes.
For more information about Virginia, please see her website:
Weds. Oct. 19, 2011
7pm Herbal Medicine Presentation Begins
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
As Always, our meetings are FREE. ALL ARE WELCOME! Please share this information.
Belly Dancing and Hula Hooping (9/21/11)
Eryka Andrex will be joining us to share her Belly Dance and Hula Hooping Skills! Eryka has taught mini-sessions of Belly Dancing at our Red Tent Events and we assure you, she makes it fun and easy--even if you are dancing in your third trimester.
Belly Dancing:
*Helps your baby get in optimal position for birth
*Tones your abdomen after-baby
*It is so much FUN!
*Gentle but effective exercise safe for pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, etc.
For more information on Eryka: Eryka.me or for info. on her current Belly Dance Class in Little Silver: http://www.readyforbirth.com/classes
Eryka will also be bringing hula hoops! I was never able to hula hoop with the lightweight toy hoops of my youth....Eryka makes her own hoops for her classes that are larger (proportioned for adults) and of varying weights. With the right hoop, I was able to learn how to keep it up by the end of my first session!
Fortunately, my children (9 & 4) also love to hoop, and the baby loves to watch--making it fun and doable for the whole family!
There will be hoops available for order or purchase.
*Please note: Hula Hooping is only postpartum/non-pregnancy exercise!
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome. We hope you can join us and try 2 great forms of exercise.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Questions? Call Beth: 908.492-4987 or email JerseyShore@Daraluznetwork.com
Belly Dancing:
*Helps your baby get in optimal position for birth
*Tones your abdomen after-baby
*It is so much FUN!
*Gentle but effective exercise safe for pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, etc.
For more information on Eryka: Eryka.me or for info. on her current Belly Dance Class in Little Silver: http://www.readyforbirth.com/classes
Eryka will also be bringing hula hoops! I was never able to hula hoop with the lightweight toy hoops of my youth....Eryka makes her own hoops for her classes that are larger (proportioned for adults) and of varying weights. With the right hoop, I was able to learn how to keep it up by the end of my first session!
Fortunately, my children (9 & 4) also love to hoop, and the baby loves to watch--making it fun and doable for the whole family!
There will be hoops available for order or purchase.
*Please note: Hula Hooping is only postpartum/non-pregnancy exercise!
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome. We hope you can join us and try 2 great forms of exercise.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Questions? Call Beth: 908.492-4987 or email JerseyShore@Daraluznetwork.com
Fertility Awareness Method, August 17, 2011
At our next meeting, we will learn about Fertility Signs and how to track them in order to conceive or avoid conception.
If you are interested in becoming pregnant, learn to read your body's cues and identify your peak 24 hours of fertility.
If you are interested in birth control, know that you only need to use barrier methods for approximately 30% of your monthly cycle. And, according to www.tcoyf.com, this technique (if used correctly) has a failure rate of approximately 2%. ("This is considered lower than any other barrier method, expect the condom--which is also 2%.")
This information is so helpful and empowering for women at all stages of life.
Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome. (Also, as a mother-focused group, we encourage you to come when you can...We'd rather you come late or leave early than not be able to come at all! :)
If you are interested in becoming pregnant, learn to read your body's cues and identify your peak 24 hours of fertility.
If you are interested in birth control, know that you only need to use barrier methods for approximately 30% of your monthly cycle. And, according to www.tcoyf.com, this technique (if used correctly) has a failure rate of approximately 2%. ("This is considered lower than any other barrier method, expect the condom--which is also 2%.")
This information is so helpful and empowering for women at all stages of life.
Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome. (Also, as a mother-focused group, we encourage you to come when you can...We'd rather you come late or leave early than not be able to come at all! :)
July 20th Mtg: Places of Birth
At our next meeting, we'll explore Places of Birth. In NJ, that means at home or in the hospital...How do you discover what is best place for you to give birth? Two of our Dar a Luz mamas made the bold decision to give birth at home, unassisted. Come hear about their experiences and share your birth experience.
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
(Come when you can--we're all mothers and think punctuality is over-rated!)
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
(Come when you can--we're all mothers and think punctuality is over-rated!)
Next Meeting: Sexuality 6/15/11
Pregnancy & Parenthood effect our sexuality in unexpected ways. How do you maintain a healthy physical connection with your partner while juggling demands of round-the-clock baby care? Co-sleeping?
Anatomical Changes
Emotional and Mental Transitions
can impact our sexuality...Not to mention episiotomies, c/s recoveries, etc.
We will also address sexual abuse. This issue not only effects how you relate to your partner, but can impact birth and breastfeeding.
As always, our meetings are free and open to all women and babies. (Use discretion if bringing a verbal child--given the subject matter.)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Anatomical Changes
Emotional and Mental Transitions
can impact our sexuality...Not to mention episiotomies, c/s recoveries, etc.
We will also address sexual abuse. This issue not only effects how you relate to your partner, but can impact birth and breastfeeding.
As always, our meetings are free and open to all women and babies. (Use discretion if bringing a verbal child--given the subject matter.)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
May 18th Mtg: Mommy Must-Haves
Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 18, 2011. Join us as we discuss:
Mommy Must-Haves:
What do you absolutely NEED during
*for your baby into toddler years?
There is a booming industry targeting parents and trying to convince them that their lives will be incomplete and their child will be deprived if they don't get the $1,000+ stroller....But what is really essential? (And for those essentials, there are almost always a simpler and cheaper way to get it.)
Bring your favorite Mommy Must-Have to the meeting and share what you've found really helpful...And what you've found really useless.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave,
Belmar, NJ 07719
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome.
Mommy Must-Haves:
What do you absolutely NEED during
*for your baby into toddler years?
There is a booming industry targeting parents and trying to convince them that their lives will be incomplete and their child will be deprived if they don't get the $1,000+ stroller....But what is really essential? (And for those essentials, there are almost always a simpler and cheaper way to get it.)
Bring your favorite Mommy Must-Have to the meeting and share what you've found really helpful...And what you've found really useless.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave,
Belmar, NJ 07719
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies and children are welcome.
Red Tent Event, Fri. 5/6/11

Red Tent Event
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Nest
469 Prospect Ave.
Little Silver, NJ 07739
*Belly Dancing with Eryka Andrex--fun for bellies at EVERY stage!
Starting at 7:15pm!
*Henna...Eryka will also be donating her Henna expertise.
*Share your pregnancy and birth experiences.
Starting at 8:15pm
*Free 10 Minute Chair Massages
Compliments of Family Wellness Center
*Silent Auction.
Bidding time ending at 9:30pm.
Professional Newborn or Family Photography Session
Megan Gray Photography
Snooty Booty Diapers (Cloth Diapers & Accessories)
Bag & Hemp cleaning cloths
Gymboree (Howell & Ocean)
4 Class Gift Certificate
Sleepy Wrap
Baby Carrier
Essence Myofascial Release Treatment & Wellness Center
Gift Certificate
Nurturing Life Giftbox from MotherLove
Bravado Nursing & Maternity Bras & Tanks & More
$35 Gift Certificate
Wegmans Gift Basket
MilkMakers Cookies
One month supply of MilkMakers cookies, including shipping.
(Guests of our Red Tent will get to taste these cookies, too! Thank you MilkMakers!)
The Kitchen Yogi
Set of 3 Cookie cutters in the shape of yoga poses!
Charlotte West Baby
Beth Salerno, Postpartum Doula
Gift Certficate
Pure Play Kids Baby Gift Basket
OmBaby Yoga
Mommy-Moves: Get Fit With Your Little One In Tow!
Gift Certificate
ClutterBye Professional Organizing Services
Gift Certificate for Consultation (1 hr.) & 1 Organizing Session (3 hrs.)
Want to play a role in creating this event? You can help us reach out to area mothers, donate an item or service for the Auction (you'll get a receipt for your tax deduction), or help arrange for food or drinks....Whatever your skill or availability, we can use your help. Email jerseyshore@daraluznetwork.com
or call 908.492-4987
April 20th Mtg. + Red Tent
Our next meeting is Weds, April 20, 2011.
Join us as we share our favorite green-parenting tips!
Environmentally-friendly choices do not have to cost more--many will save you money!
*food sources & storage
*BPA free
*greener & cheaper clothing options
*simple non-toxic household cleansers
*elimination communication (diaper-free)
*cloth diapering
*much, much more...
This topic effects us all, so bring your partner, sister, mother, and neighbor.
As always, our meetings are free. :)
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Red Tent Event
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Nest
469 Prospect Ave.
Little Silver, NJ 07739
Share your pregnancy and birth experiences. Refreshments. Silent Auction.
Eryka Andrex will be leading us in Belly Dancing--fun for bellies at EVERY stage!More details to follow.
Professional Newborn or Family Photography Session
Megan Gray Photography
Snooty Booty Diapers (Cloth Diapers & Accessories)
Bag & Hemp cleaning cloths
Gymboree (Howell & Ocean)
4 Class Gift Certificate
Sleepy Wrap
Baby Carrier
Essence Myofascial Release Treatment & Wellness Center
Gift Certificate
Nurturing Life Giftbox from MotherLove
Bravado Nursing & Maternity Bras & Tanks & More
$35 Gift Certificate
Wegmans Gift Basket
MilkMakers Cookies
One month supply of MilkMakers cookies, including shipping.
(Guests of our Red Tent will get to taste these cookies, too! Thank you MilkMakers!)
The Kitchen Yogi
Set of 3 Cookie cutters in the shape of yoga poses!
Charlotte West Baby
Beth Salerno, Postpartum Doula
Gift Certficate
Want to play a role in creating this event? You can help us reach out to area mothers, donate an item or service for the Auction (you'll get a receipt for your tax deduction), or help arrange for food or drinks....Whatever your skill or availability, we can use your help. Email jerseyshore@daraluznetwork.com
or call 908.492-4987
Join us as we share our favorite green-parenting tips!
Environmentally-friendly choices do not have to cost more--many will save you money!
*food sources & storage
*BPA free
*greener & cheaper clothing options
*simple non-toxic household cleansers
*elimination communication (diaper-free)
*cloth diapering
*much, much more...
This topic effects us all, so bring your partner, sister, mother, and neighbor.
As always, our meetings are free. :)
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Red Tent Event
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Nest
469 Prospect Ave.
Little Silver, NJ 07739
Share your pregnancy and birth experiences. Refreshments. Silent Auction.
Eryka Andrex will be leading us in Belly Dancing--fun for bellies at EVERY stage!More details to follow.
Professional Newborn or Family Photography Session
Megan Gray Photography
Snooty Booty Diapers (Cloth Diapers & Accessories)
Bag & Hemp cleaning cloths
Gymboree (Howell & Ocean)
4 Class Gift Certificate
Sleepy Wrap
Baby Carrier
Essence Myofascial Release Treatment & Wellness Center
Gift Certificate
Nurturing Life Giftbox from MotherLove
Bravado Nursing & Maternity Bras & Tanks & More
$35 Gift Certificate
Wegmans Gift Basket
MilkMakers Cookies
One month supply of MilkMakers cookies, including shipping.
(Guests of our Red Tent will get to taste these cookies, too! Thank you MilkMakers!)
The Kitchen Yogi
Set of 3 Cookie cutters in the shape of yoga poses!
Charlotte West Baby
Beth Salerno, Postpartum Doula
Gift Certficate
Want to play a role in creating this event? You can help us reach out to area mothers, donate an item or service for the Auction (you'll get a receipt for your tax deduction), or help arrange for food or drinks....Whatever your skill or availability, we can use your help. Email jerseyshore@daraluznetwork.com
or call 908.492-4987
March 16: Choosing Your Provider
Your choice in a provider sets the tone for your experience, and can be the determining factor in outcomes. Positive birth experience? Increased prenatal stress? Power struggles with your pediatrician?
You always have a choice! We'll be discussing how to find the best health care provider--whether you need an OB/midwife, Pediatrician or a general doctor/nurse practitioner.
Come share your experiences--we learn so much from one another!
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies & children are welcome.
Weds, March 16, 2011
Belmar Libray
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
You always have a choice! We'll be discussing how to find the best health care provider--whether you need an OB/midwife, Pediatrician or a general doctor/nurse practitioner.
Come share your experiences--we learn so much from one another!
As always, our meetings are FREE and all women, babies & children are welcome.
Weds, March 16, 2011
Belmar Libray
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
Feb. 16th Meeting
Join us at our Febrauary meeting as we explore the role of hormones in our mothering & how they effect our relationship with our child. What steps can you take to enhance the bond between you and your child? From conception to breastfeeding & beyond, hormones play a vital role. Come share your experiences.
As always, our meetings are free and all women, babies & children are welcome.
Weds, 2/16/11
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
(this is an open & casual gathering--we'd love for you to come when you can!) :)
As always, our meetings are free and all women, babies & children are welcome.
Weds, 2/16/11
Belmar Library
517 Tenth Ave.
Belmar, NJ 07719
(this is an open & casual gathering--we'd love for you to come when you can!) :)
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